Friday, July 15, 2011

StereoPhoto Maker a MPO 3D Photo conversion tool

Last time I was trying the MPO Toolbox, it was a command prompt tools that may not be useful to everyone.  Now I found another excellent free good tool call StereoPhoto Maker.  It has a nice and easy to use GUI. I had successfully tested this program with my varies of my MPO files.  It can cross convert different 3D picture formats.

Following is the image that I produce with StereoPhoto Maker, the image was from my Panasonic DMC-ZS10 Camera with its manual 3D mode.  This program make the MPO file that contain two images into a color anaglyph image.

You can get the program from the author's web site :


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Morgan Stanley Data Breach Hits Investors

Mcken's Comment: Morgan Stanley has lost 2 CDs with 34,000 personal information on it.  The information includes clients' names, addresses, account and tax identification numbers, the income earned on the investments in 2010, and for some clients Social Security numbers. Morgan Stanley's letter said: "The data was saved on two CD-ROMs that were protected by passwords, according to the letters, but the CDs were not encrypted".   
No encryption, but protected by password!  What does it mean?  Password protection on a CD without encryption?  I can only translate it as: no encryption and the data is on the CD in clean and waiting for someone to look at.
This news seems suggest to us that they do not even understand if there is anything that protecting the CD. Protected by password mean nothing without it associated to a system that protecting the content.  If they use a password protected ZIP, then we can say it is encrypted.  But in the text, there is not context of how that password is for!  I expecting Morgan Stanley should do better to explain what was happening and what kind of protect if any exist on those CDs.
There are two sources:

[07/05/2011] Personal information belonging to 34,000 investment clients of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney has been lost, and possibly stolen, in a data breach. According to two letters sent to clients, and obtained by, the information includes clients’ names, addresses, account and tax identification numbers, the income earned on the investments in 2010, and—for some clients—Social Security numbers.
The data was saved on two CD-ROMs that were protected by passwords, according to the letters, but the CDs were not encrypted.

Window Productivity Keyboard Shortcuts

Function Keys
F1 : Help
F2 : Rename
F6 : Focus cursor on URL in browser

Window Key +
Windows + R = Launch Exec
Windows + E = Launch Windows Explorer
Windows + D : Minimize all windows, again will restore windows
Windows + M :  only minimizes
Windows + Shift + M : Restore previously minimized windows
Windows + L : Lock the computer
Windows + Tab : Window 7 : Cycle between windows
Windows + Spacebar : Quick peek at the desktop
Windows + Left or Right Arrow : Auto resize the active window
Windows + Shift + Left or Right Arrow : move the active application to left or right monitor
Windows + [#] : Press Windows + 1 to launch the first pinned app in your Taskbar (from left to right). Windows + 2 launches the second one, Windows + 3 launches the third one, and so on
Windows + T : Cycle pined apps that opens
Windows + (+/-) : Zoom in or out with magnified view

Control Key +
Ctrl + Tab in a browser :  go to next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab in a browser : go to previous tab
CTRL + Shift + Esc  : Bring up task manager
CTRL + K: focus on the search bar in Firefox
CTRL + G: in a browser, search on the page for the last term you searched
CTRL + W: [Browser] close the current tab
CTRL + [#]: [Browser] Go to that number tab
CTRL + number : [Browser] go to tab #number (eg : Ctrl + 1 (top of the Q) = go to tab 1)
CTRL + W : close the tab/window
CTRL + R : [Browser] Reload the tab
CTRL + Backspace : Delete entire words
CTRL + 0 : [Browser] Return to normal zoom
CTRL + T : [Browser] Open a new tab
CTRL + Shirt + T : [Browser] Reopen closed tab
CTRL + L : [Browser] Focus Cursor on URL/Search Field
CTRL+A: Select all the items

CTRL + ESC : Open Start menu
CTRL + C : Copy
CTRL + X : Cut
CTRL + V : Paste
CTRL + Z : Undo
CTRL + Y : Redo
CTRL + B : Bold
CTRL + U : Underline
CTRL + I : Italic

ALT Key +
ALT + Tab : Go to next Application
ALT + Shift  + Tab : Go to previous Application
ALT + Prt Scr : Take a screenshot of the active window only
