Thursday, July 7, 2011

Window Productivity Keyboard Shortcuts

Function Keys
F1 : Help
F2 : Rename
F6 : Focus cursor on URL in browser

Window Key +
Windows + R = Launch Exec
Windows + E = Launch Windows Explorer
Windows + D : Minimize all windows, again will restore windows
Windows + M :  only minimizes
Windows + Shift + M : Restore previously minimized windows
Windows + L : Lock the computer
Windows + Tab : Window 7 : Cycle between windows
Windows + Spacebar : Quick peek at the desktop
Windows + Left or Right Arrow : Auto resize the active window
Windows + Shift + Left or Right Arrow : move the active application to left or right monitor
Windows + [#] : Press Windows + 1 to launch the first pinned app in your Taskbar (from left to right). Windows + 2 launches the second one, Windows + 3 launches the third one, and so on
Windows + T : Cycle pined apps that opens
Windows + (+/-) : Zoom in or out with magnified view

Control Key +
Ctrl + Tab in a browser :  go to next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab in a browser : go to previous tab
CTRL + Shift + Esc  : Bring up task manager
CTRL + K: focus on the search bar in Firefox
CTRL + G: in a browser, search on the page for the last term you searched
CTRL + W: [Browser] close the current tab
CTRL + [#]: [Browser] Go to that number tab
CTRL + number : [Browser] go to tab #number (eg : Ctrl + 1 (top of the Q) = go to tab 1)
CTRL + W : close the tab/window
CTRL + R : [Browser] Reload the tab
CTRL + Backspace : Delete entire words
CTRL + 0 : [Browser] Return to normal zoom
CTRL + T : [Browser] Open a new tab
CTRL + Shirt + T : [Browser] Reopen closed tab
CTRL + L : [Browser] Focus Cursor on URL/Search Field
CTRL+A: Select all the items

CTRL + ESC : Open Start menu
CTRL + C : Copy
CTRL + X : Cut
CTRL + V : Paste
CTRL + Z : Undo
CTRL + Y : Redo
CTRL + B : Bold
CTRL + U : Underline
CTRL + I : Italic

ALT Key +
ALT + Tab : Go to next Application
ALT + Shift  + Tab : Go to previous Application
ALT + Prt Scr : Take a screenshot of the active window only


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